Laboratory Basics Setup
Developing a Clinical Laboratory can be an overwhelming experience. Determining the scope of available testing that can meet the needs of the community is one of the most important steps in the origin of your Clinical Laboratory. The test volume estimation can aid in making other important decisions such as analyzer selection, staffing volume and/or level of knowledge and LIS selection. Selecting the appropriate instrumentation is crucial in maintaining a healthy ratio between profit and cost. Choosing staff members that possess the level of knowledge and education that is beneficial to your laboratory should be partially based on the complexity of testing and instrumentation available. Advanced Health Informatics, LLC can help you analyze the community’s needs to determine what would be the best fit for your business.
We can assist you in choosing the correct solutions that will provide the most benefit and advise you how to apply them in your laboratory in a way that prevents excess financial loss or failure. Once the basic fundamentals are decided, structured procedures and policies must be written to maintain competency, assure correct test results and to remain within CLIA regulations. AHI is willing to develop procedure manuals specific to your laboratory or train employees in developing accurate procedures in standard templates. We can provide every level of training in any aspect of the laboratory if requested. AHI is dedicated to helping you establish the fundamental beginning stages of your business while offering you the comfort of knowing that together we can create an organization that profits the employees and the community.
Current Opportunities with AHI
Part-Time Pathologists, Medical Directors, Medical Technologist & Medical Writersz